「Brain」というのは、患者さんのアセスメントの内容などを書き込むフォームです。「Brain sheet」と呼ぶ人もいるかもしれません。
NICU(Newborn ICU/乳幼児集中治療室)でのBrain
Subjective (what patient tells you/患者さんが言うこと)、Objective (physical exam)、Assessment、そしてPlan (Treatment Plan)です。
Subjective data – Chief Complaint, Present illness, Past Medical History, Family History, Personal & Social History, and Review of System (ROS)
Objective data – physical examination findings
Assessment – Positives & Negatives, Differential diagnoses (DDx), Dx
Plan – Medication, Patient Education (instructions for the patient)
Chief Complaint:
History of present illness – onset of s/s, duration of s/s, what makes it better/worse, any interventions at home? etc.)
Past Medical Hx:
Surgical Hx (year):
Family Hx:
Social Hx (drink, smoke, illicit drugs, etc.):
Immunizations (Up to date, etc.):
ROS (Review of Systems)
General: Recent weight change, clothing size change, weakness, fatigue, fever, chills, night sweats
Eyes: Vision problem, redness, excessive tearing, double vision, spots, flashing lights, specks, pain, and eye pressure
Ear: Hearing problems, tinnitus, vertigo, earaches, discharge
Nose and sinuses: Nasal stuffiness, discharge, itching, nosebleeds, sinus trouble
Throat (Mouth and pharynx): Tooth decay, pain, gum bleeding, dentures, last dental exam, sore throat, dry mouth, hoarseness
Neck: Swollen neck glands, lumps, pain, stiffness in the neck
Breast: Lumps, pain, or discomfort, nipple discharge
Respiratory: Cough, sputum, hemoptysis, dyspnea, wheezing, pleurisy, last chest x-ray
Cardiovascular: “Heart trouble,” high blood pressure, SOB, palpitations, dizziness, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, edema, past EKG test or other cardiovascular tests
Peripheral vascular: Intermittent claudication, leg cramps, vericose veins, past clots in the veins, swelling of lower legs or feet, skin color change in fingertips or toes during cold weather, swelling with redness or tenderness
GI: Trouble swallowing, heartburn, appetite, N/V, B/M pattern, change bowel habits, stool color and size, abd pain, pain with defecation, rectal bleeding, black or tarry stools, hemorrhoids, constipation, diarrhea, excessive belching, excessive gas, cramping
Urinary: Urgency, frequency, burning or pain during urination, polyuria, nocturia, hematuria, urinary infection, flank pain, incontinence. Males: reduced caliber or force of the urinary stream, hesitancy, dribbling.
Genital: Males – Discharge from penis, pain on the penis, testicular pain, STI or other concerns. Females – Age at menarche, regularity, frequency, and duration of periods, amount of bleeding, bleeding between periods, bleeding during or after intercourse, last menstrual periods, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual tension, vaginal discharge, itching, sores, lumps, past STI and treatment, number of pregnancies, complication of pregnancy, birth control methods, other concerns.
Musculoskeletal: Muscle or joint pain, stiffness, backache, joint pain with systemic s/s (fever, chills, rash, anorexia, weight loss, weakness)
Hematologic: Bruising or bleeding easily, anemia, past transfusions.
Skin – Rash, irritations, or redness
Neurology: Headache, numbness, tingling, dizziness, vertigo, fainting, lightheadedness, blackouts, weakness, loss of sensation, “pins and needles,” tremors, involuntary movements, seizures.
Psychiatric: Nervousness, depression, anxiety, memoty change, suicide attempts if relevant.
Bickley, L. S. (2013). Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking (11th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Vital Signs: BP —-, HR —-, RR —-, O2 sat –%, Temp —-
HT. –’–”, Wt. —-lbs., BMI —-
Physical Exam:
Constitutional/General: alert and oriented, general appearence
Head: Head and scalp normocephalic, normal hair distribution
Eyes: EOM intact, red reflex visualized, Pupils are in the center, ERRLA (equal, round, reactive to light, accomodation)
Ears: No tenderness, no erythema, no drainage. Tympanic membrane translucent in bilateral ears.
Nose: No erythema, no swelling of turbinate, no discharge, no crusting seen in bilateral nares
Throat and Mouth: No erythema, uvula in midline, no malodor, no tonsillar enlargement without exudates. Neck is supple, no enlarged cervical nodes.
Lungs: No cough, no wheezing,
Cardiovascular: Cap refill <2 sec, no murmur.
ABD: abdomen soft, no tenderness, no distension, B/S present in all four quadrants. No mass.
GU: no redness, swelling, or discharge. + pelvic tenderness
MSK: Full active ROM, gait is steady and balanced. No weakness. Muscle strength 5/5.
Neurological: Alert & Oriented, no tremors, no altered mental status. Memory intact. Deep tendon equal B/L +2
Psych: appearance (neat, , behavior and speech appropriate. Mood and affect normal and appropriate to situation. Patient is pleasant and cooperative

Websites for future reference
Review of Systems (ROS). https://health.maryland.gov/pophealth/Documents/Local%20Health%20Department%20Billing%20Manual/PDF%20Manual/Section%20III/Review%20of%20Systems%20%28ROS%29%20.pdf
UCSD. Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine. https://www.med-ed.virginia.edu/courses/pom1/pexams/HEENT/