
Signs of Pregnancy

Diagnosis of Pregnancy

Estimated Delivery Date

Gravidity and Parity

Screening Test – Quad Screen Test

Keys for pregnancy

Contraindicated Medications

Signs of Pregnancy

「P」で始まる単語 (distraction) が混じってたりする。「possible sign」とか。

Presumptive Signs – Subjective

  • Absent of period (amenorrhea)
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Fatigue (esp. in the morning)
  • Breast tenderness
  • Breast bloating
  • Movement of the fetus (again, subjective. Quickening is around 20 week for primigravida and around 16 weeks for multigravida.)

Probable Signs – “Probable” is not 100%

下の三つのサインは、早く起きる順に(CGH -> アルファベット順)

  • Chadwick’s Sign (Blue-violet vaginal color)
  • Goodell’s Sign (softening of vaginal portion of the cervix)
  • Hegar’s Sign (softening of uterine isthmus)
  • Braxton Hicks Contractions (false labor contractions)
  • Fetus can be palpable, but not guaranteed, not 100%.

Positive Signs

  • Ultrasound detect fetus
  • Fetus heart sound is detected by Doppler

Diagnosis of Pregnancy

  • Urine – not as sensitive as serum pregnancy test
  • Serum pregnancy test – detect β-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG)
  • Ultrasound

Estimated Delivdery Date

The first day of the last normal menstrual period (LNMP)から数える。

教科書には、プラスマイナス何日云々書かれていますが、私はそこは捨てて、「40週後」でいきたいと思います(<-Cleveland Clinic Websiteより)。

Gravidity and Parity (GTPAL)

Gravidity – total number of pregnancy

Parity – means “uterus being empty”

(G) – total number of pregnancy, then -> TPAL – 4 numbers

(T) – number of term delivery (>37 weeks)

(P) – number of preterm delivery (20 – 36 6/7 weeks)

(A) – number of abortion (elective or spontaneous before 20 weeks)

(L) – number of living children

Quad Screen Test

「Quad Screen Test」= 妊娠4~5か月目くらいにある血液検査。

この血液検査は、「あくまでスクリーニング」であって、「診断」を下す「diagnostic test」ではありません。35歳以上の妊婦さんだけでなく、全員が対象。


diagnostic test」。

「Cell free fetal DNA test」= 血液検査。胎児の血液が母体とつながっているので、母体経由で胎児のテストをします。

Quad Screen Test

Quad Screen Test (Fitzgerald, 2015)

Some Keys for Pregnancy

Constipation – Bulking agents (psylllium (Soluble fiber – Metamucilとか), methycellulose (Citrucelとか)).

senna is OK for Constipation in Pregnancy but not daily-use

NOT OK (Not approved by FDA for pregnancy) —>polyethylene glycol (Miralax)

Folic acid amount for healthy pregnant women ——— 0.4 mg (400 mcg)

Levothyroxine OK to use in pregnancy/lactation? ————- Yes, OK

How much Levothyroxine should be increased in the 1st trimester ————– 30%

Medication treatment for HTN ————— Low dose aspirin

N/V treatment in pregnancy ————— Vitamin B (pyridoxine) + antihistamine (eg. doxylamine)

When to test Group B streptococcus vaginal culture ———– 35-37 week, person wih Hx of GBS(+) – no need to screen, automatically ABT during labor.

Most birth defect period ———- the first 3 months (period of ograno-genesis/embryo-genesis) – 最重要時期 no medicine, no illegal drug, no alcohol, no infection

Acetaminophen – max daily dose – 3,000 mg

Contraindicated meds in pregnancy

NSAID (even diclofenac “topical” gel)

Glucosamine – no sufficient evidence for safety

Beta blockers – cross the placenta

Warfarin – cross the placenta

ABT – Bactrim, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides (i.g. gentamycin, tobramycin), metronidazole (controversial but better to be avoided in the 1st tri. & lactation. SJS rash risk), fluoroquinolones (i.g. levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin), nitrofurantoin (best to be avoided, especially in the 3rd trimester)

Live Vaccines – MMR, Varicella, Herpes zoster, live attenuated influenza (Nasal spray), Rotavirus.

Paroxetine (category D)

Doxycycline (category D)

Benzodiazepine (category D)

magnesium sulfate (category D)妊娠20週目の妊婦さんのasthma attackに使用された例(生死がかかっている場合にはcategory Dでもbenefit > riskということで)

magnesium citrate (category C) – laxatives, bowel prep for colonoscopy, not daily use

Cytotec (category X – absolutely contraindicated)

Accutane (category X – absolutely contraindicated)

finasteride (Propecia) (category X – absolutely contraindicated) – 脱毛用の薬。女性に使用できるのは、OK med = minoxidil (Rogaine)


Fitzgerald, M. A. (2015). Nurse Practitioner certification examination and practice preparation (4th ed.). F. A. Davis