Urine Dipstick Test Result を読む



63-80% associated with proteinuria

68-91.7% associated with hematuria

(Chou et al, 2023) 

Urine Dipstick Test Result — Normal 

Urine dipstick test result: — Normal  

  • Color: Yellow
  • Clarity: Clear
  • Glucose: Negative
  • Bilirubin: Negative
  • Ketone: Negative
  • SG (Specific Gravity): 1.005 – 1.030  
  • Blood Trace: Negative
  • pH: 5.0 – 9.0 (6.0-7.0)
  • Protein Trace: Negative
  • Urobilinogen: 0.2 -1.0 E.U./dL OR <1.0 mg/dL (Quest Diagnostic, n.d.) 
  • Nitrite: Negative
  • Leukocytes: Negative

Urine dipstick test result: — Interpretation

Urine dipstick test result: — Interpretation 

  • Color: Yellow
  • Clarity: Clear
  • Glucose: glucose in the urine indicates diabetes -> suggest blood glucose test
  • Bilirubin: bilirubin in the urine indicates liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis). 
  • Ketone: presence of ketone in the urine indicates T2DM, obesity, dyslipidemia, others (Kim et al., 2020). 
  • SG (Specific Gravity): Urine density. Kidney’s ability to concentrate the urine. High – volume loss (dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, fever), heart failure, others. Low – diabetes insipidus, kidney failure, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, others (Ghadvan, 2022). 
  • Blood Trace: Lysed
  • pH: >7.5 suggestive of UTI
  • Protein: Short-term: dehydration, fever, stress, high-intensity physical activity, cold weather. Long-term: kidney disease (American Kidney Fund, 2024).   
  • Urobilinogen: if 2.0 mg/dL, further evaluation for hemolytic or hepatitis disease should be done (Quest Diagnostics, n.d.). 
  • Nitrite: nitrite indicates bacteria (positive UTI). Gram (-)&(+) bacteria convert nitrate to nitrite. 
  • Leukocytes: inflammatory process.

Urine dipstick test result (1)

Urine dipstick test result on F/U for recent ER visit: – s/s constant right flank pain >7 days, can’t bend over due to pain

At ER — CT scan → renal calculi with hydronephrosis → Keflex 500 mg Q12H + Norco 5/325 mg Q6H PRN + ibuprofen 600 mg Q6H PRN. 

  • Color: Yellow
  • Clarity: Clear
  • Glucose: Negative
  • Bilirubin: Negative
  • Ketone: Negative
  • SG (Specific Gravity): 1.020 
  • Blood Trace: Moderate
  • pH: 6.5
  • Protein: 100 mg/cL – moderate (Jann, 2020) from the image on the STARMED website
  • Urobilinogen: 2.0 E.U./dL
  • Nitrite: Negative
  • Leukocytes: Negative

    Urine Dipstick Test

    Urine Dipstick Test Strip

Urine dipstick test result (2)

Urine dipstick test result:  — s/s: urinary urgency for 3 days, pain before urination, no burning sensation → empirically tx w/t oral antibiotic

  • Color: Yellow
  • Clarity: Clear
  • Glucose: Negative
  • Bilirubin: Negative
  • Ketone: Negative
  • SG (Specific Gravity): >1.030 
  • Blood Trace: Negative
  • pH: 6.0
  • Protein: Trace 
  • Urobilinogen: 0.2 E.U./dL
  • Nitrite: Negative
  • Leukocytes: Trace

Urine dipstick test result (3)

Urine dipstick test result: normal → patient was instructed to drink a lot of water, no med. 

  • Color: Yellow
  • Clarity: Clear
  • Glucose: Negative
  • Bilirubin: Negative
  • Ketone: Negative
  • SG (Specific Gravity): 1.025 
  • Blood Trace: Lysed
  • pH: 6.0
  • Protein Trace: 
  • Urobilinogen: 0.2 E.U./dL
  • Nitrite: Negative
  • Leukocytes: Negative


American Kidney Fund. (2024). Protein in Urine (Proteinuria) Causes, Symptoms, Tests & Treatments. https://www.kidneyfund.org/all-about-kidneys/other-kidney-problems/protein-urine#causes-of-long-lasting-protein-in-the-urine

Chou, Y. J., Yang, C. C., Chang, S. J., Yang, S. S. (2023). Albuminuria Is affected by urinary tract infection: A comparison between biochemical quantitative method and automatic urine chemistry analyzer UC-3500. Diagnostics (Basel), 13(21), 3366. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13213366. 

Ghadban, R. (2022). Specific Gravity. Medscape. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2090711-overview#a2

Kim, B. R., Seo, J. W., Kim, S. M., Kim, K. N., Joo, N. S. (2020). The presence of urinary ketones according to metabolic status and obesity. J Korean Med Sci., 10;35(31), e273. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2020.35.e273. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7416001/

Jann, L. F. (2020). What does your urine dipstick results mean? STARMED Specialist Centre. https://starmedspecialist.com/articles/urine-dipstick-results/

Quest Diagnostics. (n.d.). Urobilinogen, Urine. https://jdos.nicholsinstitute.com/dos/yorkhospital/test/34888

UNC Health. (2023). Urine Dipstick (Urinalysis, Macroscopic). UNC Medical Center. https://www.uncmedicalcenter.org/mclendon-clinical-laboratories/available-tests/urine-dipstick-urinalysis-macroscopic/