Vital Signs (バイタルサイン)

Body Temperatures

Rectal はほぼ小児科のみなので、次いでCoreに近いのは、Oral temperature。

Taking body temperature in Spanish

“Necesito tomar la temperatura.”

“Favor de abrir la boca.” / “Abra la boca, por favor.”

“Es noventa y ocho punto seis grados (98.6F). Es normal.”

high temperature = temperatura alta

low temperature = temperatura baja


LibreText Medicine. Vital signs. Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University.

MAYO CLINIC. (2022). Fever treatment: Quick guide to treating a fever.

MAYO CLINIC. (2023). Thermometers: Understand the options.

Heart Sounds


Radial (radius side, thumb side), brachial, carotid, and apical pulse.

Normal strength = 2+

Locations for auscultating murmurs