■Wound Care Exam 資格試験練習問題20問 #129



1. “becaplamin” is for __________.

2. Characteristics of refractory wounds. a. High _____ level.

3. Characteristics of refractory wounds. b. presence of _________ cell.

4. Characteristics of refractory wounds. c. Low level of ________

5. Explain about Hyperbaric oxygen Treatment (HBOT). ______

1. for diabetic neuropathic ulcers. “becaplamin” gel = “Regranex”, a recombinant human platelet derived growth factor.

2. a. high protease level

3. b. presence of senescent cells

4. c. low level of growth factors

5. Patient breaths 100% oxygen under pressure in a chamber causing oxygen to diffuse into the blood plasma. HBOT promotes angiogenesis.

6. Collagen & MMP inhibitors dressing source: Bovine = ________ (what animal?).

7. Collagen & MMP inhibitors dressing source: Procine = ________ (what animal?). 

8. Collagen & MMP inhibitors dressing source: Avian = ________ (what animal?). 

9. Collagen & MMP inhibitors dressing source: Ovine = ________ (what animal?). 

10. Collagen & MMP inhibitors dressing source: Equine = ________ (what animal?). 

6. cattle/cow

7. pig

8. bird

9. sheep

10. horse

11. E-Stim contraindications: not for _______ or ________ (diseases)

12. E-Stim contraindications: not for patient with _______ 

13. E-Stim contraindications: not for wound near _____ , _____, or ______

14. Pyoderma Gangrenosum (PG) unique characteristics: ____, ____, ____, ____, ____

15. Pyoderma Gangrenosum: DO NOT DO __________

11. not for cancer or osteomyelitis

12. not for patient with pacemaker 

13. not for wound near heart, carotid, or phrenic nerve

14. violaceous border, necrotic wound base, irregular appearance (serpigineus), bright red halo & purple border, induration, erythema

15. No sharp debridement!

16. Nutrition for wound healing: calorie _____ cal/kg/day

17. Nutrition for wound healing: protein _____ g/kg/day

18. Nutrition for wound healing: fluid _____ ml/kg/day

19. Positive Nikolsky sign is for (a) _____ and (b) _____

20. Define pressure ulcer

16. calorie: 30-35 cal/kg/day

17. protein: 1.25-1.5 g/kg/day

18. fluid: 30 ml/kg/day

19. (a) SSSS (staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome) and (b) TEN (toxic epidermal necrolysis)

20. Pressure ulcer (injury) is: “localized injury to skin or/and underling tissue as a result of pressure or pressure in combination with shear“.

■Wound Care Exam 資格試験練習問題20問 #126