バイオフィルム (Biofilm)について

ほとんど (up to 90%) の慢性的な潰瘍の創面にはBiofilmが形成されていると言われています(Conde, 2019)。ここでは、Biofilmについて覚え書き的にあれこれ書留めておきたいと思います。






VASHE Solution/Sloughとの違い/アセスメント時のキーワード


Clusters of bacteria that are attached to each other and to the surface or embedded in a self-produced matrix (Yin et al., 2019).

Biofilm matrix consists of substances that include protein, polysaccharide, glycolipids, water, eDNA (Wei et al., 2019; Yin et al., 2019).

Biofilm is polymicrobial, extracellular polysaccharide matrix (Hamm, 2019).


Biofilmは、わずか24-48時間(1~2日)以内で形成されます。また初期の段階を肉眼で確認することが難しいと言われています(Wei et al., 2019)。

5 steps to result in biofilm matrix (Hamm, 2019)
1) Reversible bacteria attachment
2) Irreversible bacteria attachment
3) Bacteria cell lifereation
4) Bacteria growth and mature biofilm community
5) Dispersion (分散)of biofilm

4 stages of biofilm formation (Wei et al., 2019)
1) Adhesion
2) Reproduction
3) Maturation
4) Shedding and spreading, infection


S/S of biofilm infection are similar as chronic infected wounds:

OLD version (2012)
pale wound bed, large yellow exudate, clear tissue fluid, necrotic tissue, fragile granulation tissue, pungent smell (Wei et al., 2019)

これらのS/Sでの判断ではなく、下記NEWバージョンでの特長で判断するようです。NEW version (Updated in 2017)
Recalcitrant to tx with antibiotics or antiseptics
Treatment failure despite antibiotics or antiseptics
Delayed healing
Recurrent or exacerbation of infection with cycle
Excessive drainage
Low-level chronic inflammation
Low-level erythema


STEM (scanning electron microscopy) – most reliable but not practical yet
Other new methods for accurate clinical diagnoses – polymerase chain reactions, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
(Wei et al., 2019)


Treatment with dressings: (Hamm, 2019)
1) Hypochlorous acid (例:VASHE)
2) Hydrofiber dressing (例:Aquacel Ag Extra)

Treatment: (Wei et al., 2019)
1) Surgical/sharp debridement – often painful
2) Hydrosurgical debridement – painless, application of precisely controlled ultrasonic fine water flow.
3) NPWTi
4) Ultrasonic/ultrasound treatment
5) Nanoparticles/nanotechnologies – metal nanoparticles include silver, gold, zinc (Mihai et al., 2019; Wei et al., 2019)

VASHE Solution

Chronic non-healing wound with biofilm – pH 7.2 – 8.3 (Wound Source, 2019)– decrease this pH can help

「VASHE Solution」は、皮膚組織を傷つけない範囲のpHの液体です。Wet-to-dryドレッシングにして使用可能です。


Biofilm vs Slough スラフとの違い

BiofilmとSloughを見分けるのは難しいです。でも、厳密には違いがあります。こちらのDr. Condeのウェブサイトで、違いがよく説明されています。画像や写真が載っているサイトなので、興味がありましたら是非見てみてください。URLは下記Referenceにも載せてあります。

よく「fibrinous tissue」という単語が使われることがあります。でも、前述のサイトでは、fibrin tissue以外も入っているのだから「slough」とするべきでしょう、と書かれています。

Slough (壊死細胞)に含まれるもの – denatured protein (collagen, fibrin), inflammatory cells (neutrophils, macrophages), bacteria, and cellular debris (Conde, 2019).

大きな違いは、1~2日のサイクルで戻って来るか来ないか(来るのがBiofilm)、また、enzymatic debridementが効くか効かないか(効かないのがBiofilm) あたりです。


bacterial colonization, localized infection, opaque shiny appearance, colonized wound bed, viscous, pale and slimy appearance, biofilm with granulation tissue that is attempting to form underneath/beneath, biofilm is forming over granulation tissue


Conde, E. (2019). Fibrinous tissue in venous ulcers: what are we talking about? https://www.elenaconde.com/en/fibrinous-tissue-in-venous-ulcers-what-are-we-talking-about/

Hamm, R. (2019). Biofilm – The house that bacteria build. McGrow Hill Medical.

Mihai, M. M., Dima, M. B., Dima, B., & Holban, A. M. (2019). Nanomaterials for wound healing and infection control. MDPI. https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/12/13/2176/htm

Wei, D., Zhu, X. M., Chen, Y. Y., Li, X. Y., Chen, Y. P., Liu, H. Y., & Zhang, M. (2019). Chronic wound biofilms: Diagnosis and therapeutic strategies. Chinese Medical Journal. 20;132(22):2737-2744. doi: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000000523. PMID: 31725458; PMCID: PMC6940106. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6940106/

WoundSource.com. (2019). Biofilm battles: Managing chronic infections. https://www.woundsource.com/blog/biofilm-battles-managing-chronic-infections

Yin, W., Wang, Y., Liu, L., & He, J. (2019). Biofilms: The microbial “protective clothing” in extreme environments. Int J Mol Sci. 12;20(14):3423. doi: 10.3390/ijms20143423. PMID: 31336824; PMCID: PMC6679078. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6679078/