

tenesmus vs trismus

tenesmus vs trismus

acrochordons – 例)skin tags

ageusia – loss of taste – 無味覚/味覚障害 (also check hypogeusia)

Allergic shiners – 目の下のくま – due to venous engorgement –  (NOT Racoon sign)

allergic shiners

allergic shiners

aneuploidy – abnormal number of chromosomes present in a cell

anisocoria – unequal pupil size. Difference remains the same both in light and dark (dim light) => most likely “physiologic anisocoria.” difference = 0.4-0.8 mm (<1mm). Tx=observation参考サイト

anosmia = loss of smell – allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, rhinosinusitis

anosmia – olfactory nerve dysfunction – 臭覚障害 (also check hyposmia)

anovulation – 無排卵/no ovulation (amenorrhea = no menstruation for >3 mo., oligo ovulation = irregular menstruation). NHI reference website

aphthous stomatitis – aphthous means small ulcers, “canker sores”

attenuate – weakened reduced (ex. attenuated vaccines) (ex. The medicine helps attenuate the symptoms.)

Dermatophyte = “ringworm”, “tinea”, “onychomycoses” – fungal infection – keratin is affected.

disseminated – generalized

dysesthesia – 感覚異常 – abnormal sensation – painful, itchy, burning sensation (i.g. Herpes Zoster s/s)

enterobiasis (oxyuriasis) – pinworms, pinworm infection

Erysipelasbacterial skin infection – shallower than cellulitis

Erythrasmabacterial skin infection – commonly on the axilla, groins, toe-web, scrotum, inner thigh

erythema migrants = Lyme disease

examthem – widespread rash across the body, often viral and with fever, malaise, HA

exophthalmos – bulging eye (r/t Graves Disease) – “exo-” means “outside”


exquisite pain


関連個所 => 「septic arthritis」の痛み = sharp intense pain = bacreria infectionがjointに行ってしまった症状

intractable – stubborn – i.g. intractable pruritus r/t scabies

lid lag – delay in moving eyelid downwards – r/t excess thyroid hormone

Lung ”consolidation” “infiltrates” “cavitations” ———– consolidation=opacity(白い雲が一か所に浮いてる感じ) – fluid, pus ——— infiltrates=diffuse of opacity(くもの巣のように広がってる感じ)- inflammation, infection ———– cavitation=gas-filled space (煙草の煙を輪っかで吐き出すような感じのが肺に浮いてる感じ)- necrotizing pneumonia, abscess.

malar rash – “malar = relating to cheek” – cheek rash = sign of Lupus.  Malar bone = zygomatic bone (頬骨)

Mydriasis – dilation of the eye – r/t anticholinergic medication overdose

anticholinergic syndrome

anticholinergic syndrome

myringotomy – small cut to the TM for drainage removal & pressure relief

odynophagia – pain when swallowing – s/s of epiglottitis include severe odynophagia, dysphagia (difficult to swallow), fever, and SOB (often in tripod position).

otalgia – ear ach

oxyuriasis (enterobiasis) – pinworm infection

plethora/ facial plethora – facial swelling, puffiness – r/t Cushing syndrome, rosacea

precocious – advanced – 例) precocious puberty symptoms – secondary sexual characteristics exhibit too early (before 8 for girl, before 9 for boy)

priapism – prolonged penile erection with/without sexual arousal, usually without. True urologic emergency! If untreated, it can lead to permanent erectile dysfunction. Most common cause in pediatric is sickle cell disease (SCD).

puerperal – related to during or right after child birth. Post-partum. Puerperal infection, sepsis, psychosis, etc.

rigor – shaking chills – sudden feeling of cold with shivering

tachyphylaxis = sudden decrease in response. 塗り薬などが急に効かなくなったりする状態。

tumescence – area (tissue) with swelling/distension. 組織の腫れ、勃起。(盛り上がったtomb/墓の景色、みたいなイメージで覚えられるでしょうか)

tympanostomy – It is a type of “ostomy”

verruca – warts -「チャーリーとチョコレート工場」のベルーカ・ソルトのイメージ。私の頭の中でだけ。

procedure for ear drainage

procedure for ear drainage. TM (Tympanic membrane / ear drum)にsmall cutを入れるprocedure is called “——-” A little drainage tube is called “——-” (どちらも上にピンクのハイライトで)